Turning ideas into sustainable innovations

Take part in solving the ecological crisis and make a real impact on sustainability worldwide.

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Together people achieve great things

Write the future now!

Expert mentors
Thriving community
Co-creative space

Develop your ideas into impactful solutions with the help of mentors and engage with a community of like-minded people.

The Wolf Society

The Wolf Society

The Wolf Society provides the space where creativity meets opportunity and fosters sustainable change.

11 Problems

The initiative focuses on 11 sustainable development areas that play a key role in addressing the ecological crisis.

The Challenge

For innovators and idea holders looking to develop or refine their innovative concepts into successful startups.

Bring your innovations to the market


We invite all solvers to join the Wolf Society Challenge. You can bring your own team or request to join one. Get help from top mentors and connect with like-minded professionals and enthusiasts.

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The Wolf Society Blog

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